Inventory Loader




There is documentation on how to retrieve your merchantId in the Common required parameters section of the Flat file feeds page.


Required if the merchant_shipping_group_name field is present in the feed file being converted.

This parameter is a mapping of your account's shipping group names to their internal Amazon identifiers.

To produce this mapping, use the getDefinitionsProductType endpoint of the Selling Partner API to retrieve your seller-account-specific product JSON schema. Make sure to use PRODUCT for the product type, and the marketplace ID of the marketplace this feed will be sent to. If you're using jlevers/selling-partner-api to interact with the Selling Partner API, that would look like this:

use SellingPartnerApi\SellingPartnerApi;
use SellingPartnerApi\Enums\Endpoint;

$connector = SellingPartnerApi::seller(
    clientId: 'amzn1.application-oa2-client.asdfqwertyuiop...',
    clientSecret: 'amzn1.oa2-cs.v1.1234567890asdfghjkl...',
    refreshToken: 'Atzr|IwEBIA...',
    endpoint: Endpoint::NA,  // Or Endpoint::EU, Endpoint::FE
$api = $connector->productTypeDefinitionsV20200901();
$response = $api->getDefinitionsProductType('PRODUCT', ['ATVPDKIKX0DER']);

Then, pass the schema URL to Converter::parseShippingGroups():

use SellingPartnerApi\FeedTransformer\Transformer;

$productTypeDefinition = $response->dto();
$schemaUrl = $productTypeDefinition->schema->link->resource;
$shippingGroupMap = Transformer::parseShippingGroups($schemaUrl);


To convert a POST_FLAT_FILE_INVLOADER_DATA feed to the newer JSON_LISTINGS_FEED format:

use SellingPartnerApi\FeedTransformer\Transformer;
use SellingPartnerApi\FeedTransformer\FeedTypes\Invloader;

$feedFile = 'path/to/your/';
$json = Transformer::fromFile(
        'merchantId' => 'A2DI..........',
        'shippingGroupMap' => $shippingGroupMap

$jsonFeedPath = 'path/to/new/feed.json';
file_put_contents($jsonFeedPath, json_encode($json));

Known columns

This is an exhaustive list of the columns we support for this feed type. If you are successfully passing feed files with additional columns, let us know and we'll add support for the ones we're missing.

  • sku

  • price

  • quantity

  • product-id

  • product-id-type

  • add-delete

  • will-ship-internationally (this field will not throw an error, but has no corresponding field in the JSON schema, so no action will be taken related to this field)

  • expedited-shipping (ditto will-ship-internationally)

  • standard-plus (ditto will-ship-internationally and expedited-shipping)

  • minimum-seller-allowed-price

  • maximum-seller-allowed-price

  • handling-time

  • fulfillment-center-id

  • item-condition

  • item-note

  • Plus: any and all fields related to product details, such as hazmat and battery info, tax code, etc.

Last updated