
Once you've purchased access to the feed types you need to transform into Amazon's newer JSON format via our product page, you're ready to get started!

Get your product key

Your access to the Composer packages that comprise the Feed Transformer is managed by your product key. Right after checkout, you'll be redirected to the dashboard, where you'll see your key:

Add our Composer repository to your composer.json

You can install our packages via our private Satis repository by adding the repository to your application's composer.json:

"repositories": [
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""

Authenticate with our package repository

Since our package repository is private, you'll need to specify your access credentials. Create a file called auth.json in the same folder as your composer.json with the following contents:

    "http-basic": {
        "": {
            "username": "",
            "password": "<YOUR_PRODUCT_KEY>"

Replace username with the email associated with your account, and replace password with the product key you got from the user dashboard earlier.

Install the packages

On your dashboard, you can see the composer command you need to run to install the packages related to the feed types you bought access to. It looks something like this:

Yours will probably look a little different, depending on what feed types you have access to. Once you run that command, your packages are installed. Time to write some code!

Last updated