
One of the Selling Partner API's most powerful features is its notifications system, a way of getting data about various events pushed to your application rather than needing to constantly poll the API to check for new data. Polling often isn't even possible with the SP API, due to relatively low rate limits, so often notifications are the only way to capture the data you need.

This project is designed such that most notifications-related operations can be done either via an artisan command or by calling the NotificationsService class directly. If you're only subscribing one or two sellers to a couple notification types, using a command is easiest. If you're automating subscriptions for many sellers or notification types, you're probably better off calling the NotificationsService methods directly.


  • Set up an AWS SQS queue for receiving SQS-specific notifications:

    • Create a new Standard SQS queue on AWS

    • Edit the access policy of the SQS queue according to the instructions here

    • Put the ARN of the SQS queue in the SQS_ARN environment variable, and the queue's URL in the SQS_URL variable.

    • Create a new SQS notifications destination by running php artisan destination:create sqs, and add the resulting SQS destination ID to the environment variables as instructed by the command's output

  • Set up AWS EventBridge. For this, the EVENTBRIDGE_ACCOUNT_ID env var must be filled in with the account ID of the AWS IAM user that you want to use to interact with EventBridge. There are instructions on how to find your AWS Account ID here. If your account ID has hyphens in it (1111-2222-3333), leave them out in the environment variable (111122223333).

    • Create a new AWS EventBridge destination (which we will attach notification subscriptions to) with php artisan destination:create eventbridge. Take the destination ID produced by the command and put it in the EVENTBRIDGE_DESTINATION_ID environment variable.

    • Set up EventBridge per steps 1 and 2 the instructions here. Select the SQS queue you created in the previous step as the target for the EventBridge rule that those instructions walk you through creating.

  • Set up the AWS resources needed to fetch notifications:

    • Create an IAM policy with this JSON definition, replacing the Statement[0].Resource value with the ARN of your SQS queue:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:your-region:012345678901:your-queue-name"
    • Create an IAM user, copy its ARN, and create an access key for it in the Security credentials section of the user's page in the AWS console. Fill in the SQS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and SQS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables with the access key ID and secret access key for the user you created earlier.

    • Create an IAM role, select Custom trust policy, and paste in this policy, replacing the Statement[0].Principal.AWS value with the ARN of the user you just created:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::012345678901:user/your-user-name"
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
                "Condition": {}

    Then attach the policy you created earlier to this role, and fill in the SQS_ROLE_ARN environment variable with the role's ARN.

Subscribing to notifications

Using the Artisan command

Run php artisan notification:subscribe notification-type queue-type [ merchant-id ].

  • notification-type is the type of notification you want to subscribe to.

  • queue-type is the type of queue that the notification type is sent to (valid options are sqs or eventbridge). The SP API documentation specifies the queue type for each notification type.

  • merchant-id is the Amazon merchant ID of the seller you want to subscribe. If you don't specify a merchant ID, the command will subscribe to the notification type using the master credentials.

Using the NotificationsService class

use App\Services\NotificationsService;
use SellingPartnerApi\Enums\AmazonQueueType;

$credentials = Credentials::master();
$notificationsService = new NotificationsService($credentials);
$queueType = AmazonQueueType::SQS;
$subscription = $notificationsService->subscribe('ACCOUNT_STATUS_CHANGE', $queueType);

NotificationsService::subscribe() returns a Subscription model, or null if the subscription already exists. It also accepts an optional $processingDirective parameter, which is an array of processing directives to be applied to the subscription. Processing directives and their use cases are documented here.

Unsubscribing from notifications

Using the Artisan command

To unsubscribe from a notification type, run php artisan notification:unsubscribe notification-type [ merchant-id ].

  • notification-type is the type of notification you want to unsubscribe from.

  • merchant-id is the Amazon merchant ID of the seller you want to unsubscribe. If you don't specify a merchant ID, the command will unsubscribe from the notification type using the master credentials.

Using the NotificationsService class

$credentials = Credentials::master();
$notificationsService = new NotificationsService($credentials);

There's a third way to unsubscribe from a particular notification type, which is by deleting the Subscription model:

$amazonSubscriptionId = 'aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd';
$subscription = Subscription::firstWhere('amazon_subscription_id', $amazonSubscriptionId);

Processing notifications

When you subscribe to a notification type, add a corresponding case to the match block in NotificationsService::processNotifications() method, like so:

match ($notification->type) {
    'ACCOUNT_STATUS_CHANGE' => static::processAccountStatusChangeNotification($notification),
    // ...

The Notification model's payload attribute contains the raw payload of the notification. Each notification type has a different payload structure, all of which are documented here.

Once your processing logic is complete, the processNotifications() method will automatically mark the notification as processed.

By default, all notifications older than 14 days are automatically deleted by a cron job. You can change this value by setting the delete_after option in the notifications section of the config/spapi.php config file.

Depending on the number of inventory items you have and the notification types you subscribe to, you may receive a LOT of notifications. A certain amount of queue worker tuning may be required to keep up with the volume. This app has Laravel Horizon installed, which makes it much simpler to scale the queue workers. Horizon's documentation has detailed configuration instructions here.

Last updated