Feeds and Reports

Generating a report

Reports are created by submitting a request to the SP API, and then polling for the report's status until it is complete. Once the report is complete, it can be downloaded. The ReportService class provides a wrapper around this process, along with the CreateReportJob, GetReportJob, and DownloadReportJob queueable jobs. The simplest way to generate a report is to call the Report::generate() method:

$marketplace = Marketplace::firstWhere('country_code', 'US');
$report = Report::create([
    'credentials_id' => $credentials->id,
    'data_start_date' => now()->subDays(30)->toDateString(),
    'data_end_date' => now()->toDateString(),
$report->generate([MyReportProcessor::class, 'processReport']);

This will dispatch a chain of queued jobs that create the report, poll for the report's status, and download the report. The report's results will be passed to the callback function passed to Report::generate(), which should take two parameters: the Report model, and the contents of the report as an array, SimpleXMLElement object, or string depending on the report type.

Uploading a feed

Feeds are created by submitting a request to the SP API, and then polling for the feed's status until it is complete. Once the feed is complete, it can be downloaded. The FeedService class provides a wrapper around this process, along with the CreateFeedJob and GetFeedResultJob queueable jobs. Similarly to reports, the Feed::submit() method can be used to create and process a feed:

$feed = Feed::create([
    'credentials_id' => $credentials->id,

$feedContents = '...';

$marketplace = Marketplace::firstWhere('country_code', 'US');

// The optional callback parameter is used to process the feed result document once it has been downloaded.
// It can be omitted if you just want to save the feed result document to the database.
$feed->submit([MyFeedProcessor::class, 'processFeed']);

Once the feed has finished processing, the raw feed result document is saved to $feed->results.

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